Growing up I would consider myself an introvert. I enjoyed spending most of my time alone, and being around too many people for too long would just make me down right exhausted. It wasn't until I gave my life to Christ that I realized my deep longing for solid friendships and community.
I didn't want to do life alone anymore, or be that girl who only hangs out with her boyfriend. It was like God had put this new desire in my heart for meaningful Christ-centered relationships with other women. But often times I felt like I didn't quite fit the mold of the typical Christian girl. I didn't have all the Christian lingo down, or know all the scriptures - and it felt as if everyone was already assigned to a friend group.
Being very familiar with what it felt like to be alone I decided to pursue anybody I saw sitting by themselves. I didn't want anyone to feel the same loneliness I felt, and thought that this would be a great way to form new friendships. I also joined a few ministries at my church and pushed my self to get involved in any way I could.
It's been 5 years since then and I'm so grateful to say that through those years I have built life-long friendships with the most incredible humans. We've laughed together, cried together, prayed together, and broken bread together. I've seen the spirit of Jesus through their encouraging words, transparent hearts, and inspiring lives.
To have a group of strong women holding you up and doing life alongside you is a gift that everyone should, and needs to have. We are living in a time where anxiety and depression are on the rise, and we are more isolated than ever. We all need a seat at a table, and some of us need to start that table. Don't wait for someone to invite you to be a part of a community, start the community. Be your true authentic self, and people will be drawn to you. The Bible tells us we reap what we sow, so if you want to reap good friends, start by being one.
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