In honor of Mother's Day, we decided to spend a morning with mother of three Alexis Reddy and her beautiful family. Seeing that Alexis is our style crush, it was only right that we had her put together a few looks using some of her favorite pieces from the new Gracemade collection. We had an amazing time picking her brain on motherhood, faith, and style, while enjoying her tasty avocado toast. This visit left our stomachs and hearts full. Get to know more about Alexis in the interview below.
Alexis, tell us a little more about you and your family.

We are a Los Angeles family of 5 that enjoy getting outside and spending time together. You can often find us at the park, at home playing our own made up games, or learning more about the infallible word of God. In under 5 years(this June we celebrate our 5 year anniversary!), the Lord has blessed Vishal and I with 3 sweet blessings; Josiah age 4, Elias age 2, and Nellie age 5 months).

How do you juggle motherhood, work, and being a wife?
The truth is, I don't. I've had to learn through trial and error that you cannot give your full attention to one thing without the other things in your life suffering in some way or another. Being a wife comes first and foremost, then the care of my children, and when the first two are not compromised I am able to take on work as a fashion stylist. This means I have to be very intentional about the work I take on and how I spend my time. I've been so thankful to be able to work with companies that understand this, give me flexibility, and put family first.
Has your style changed since becoming a mom?
Absolutely! I never had to think about if my outfit was nursing friendly or worry about if it was machine washable. Now these are musts! However, even with the changes in specifications I still enjoy the challenge of keeping my personal style intact.

What would you say is the best part of being a mom?
In moments of self doubt or adversity what do you do to build yourself back up?
Getting to experience life through their eyes! Everything is full of wonder and awe, and things I used to take for granted I now see with a new perspective.
What’s the first thing you do every morning to start your day on the right foot?
I usually try to do something good for my soul. This means getting into God's word and focusing on His promises. When the challenges of the day start crashing on me like the waves of a storm, I know that God is always good and is working all things for His glory!

I in myself do not have the strength to do this! I rely solely on the strength of the Lord and the power of His word. It is good to keep in mind my own limitations and to not become prideful in myself, for as scripture says "when I am weak, He is strong" and "I am brought low, so that He may be exalted"(paraphrased).
What piece of encouragement/advice would you share with new moms?
I know this is a well known piece of advice, but it's because it's so very true! Never compare your journey to that of anyone else. This leads to covetousness and envy, which are sinful weeds to the soul that wrap themselves around any joy you may have and squeezes the life out of you. My prayer is that you would seek God's word when it comes to raising your children, and that you would thoroughly enjoy the freedom you have to be creative with the details!
To see more from Alexis, follow her on Instagram
Women in Grace highlights women pursuing God-given purpose while living fully in grace.
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